About TrecStone

TrecStone is Wes Preston – A technologist working in the Twin Cities since 1995 as a developer, analyst, consultant, trainer and technology evangelist for a variety of organizations and industries.

Company History
Formed in 2011, TrecStone is a consulting company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It is owned and operated by Wes Preston, principal consultant and Microsoft SharePoint MVP.  Wes has worked for years as a developer, analyst, consultant, trainer and technology evangelist in a variety of organizations and industries.

TrecStone operates primarily in the Twin Cities area, but also assists organizations elsewhere as the need arises.

Why the name ‘TrecStone’?
The name ‘TrecStone’ is a derivative of a ‘cairn’ – a simple stone marker used to guide travelers on a path. It shows the way, the path, the direction – to keep travelers from straying and getting lost. It shows the shortest and easiest way to get from one step to the next.
The concept applies to technology as well.  As the number of products and product capabilities continue to expand, the process of implementing them successfully and efficiently becomes more challenging.  Organizations and users can benefit from the guidance of others that have walked the path and know how to move forward.

SharePoint is a massive product with so much functionality that it’s impossible for one person, or even most organizations to master.  TrecStone focuses on strategic planning and usage of SharePoint and works with partners to fill custom development, design and other needs as they arise.